Micronaut Development: Using MicrostarterCLI to Build Microservices
In this tutorial, we explore the realm of Micronaut development and learn how to use MicrostarterCLI to easily create microservices. With the help of the fast development tool Micronaut, you may create standardized, reusable code and configurations for your apps more quickly and easily. Our goal is to create a strong microservices architecture that includes elements like:
Creating a complete CRUD service just for the management of fruit objects is known as “fruit service.”
Vegetable Service: Creating a CRUD service that is comparable but specifically for Vegetable objects.
Using the Eureka Service Discovery Server’s service discovery features will improve resilience and scalability.
Consul Configuration Server: Using Consul for configuration management to provide smooth deployment and configuration during runtime.
Building a gateway service with Spring Cloud to enable effective traffic control and routing.
Configuring the Environment
Setting up your surroundings is essential before beginning development. Make sure your system is configured and that MicrostarterCLI version 2.5.0 or above has been downloaded. Use the command line interface to run the mc –version to verify the setup.
Environment Specifics
Windows 11 as the operating system Java version 11 as the integrated development environment (IDE) IntelliJ Starter Guide
Now let’s get started on the path to developing Micronaut microservices:
Step 1: Establish Workspace
To efficiently arrange your projects, create a separate workspace directory in your system (e.g., c:\workspace).
First Step: Serving Fruit
Start by using MicrostarterCLI to create a Micronaut application. You have two options: use the init command directly, or extract the produced project using Micronaut Launch. Use the entity command in the FruitService directory to add dependencies and produce code for CRUD services.
Step 2: Serving Vegetables
To develop the Vegetable Service, follow the procedure described in Step 1.
Eureka Server in Step Three
Use MicrostarterCLI to configure the Eureka service discovery server. This server will be essential to making service registration and discovery easier.
Step Four: Service Provider
To act as a central gateway for managing and routing traffic, create the Spring Cloud Gateway project. The operation of this service on port 8080 will provide smooth microservices-to-microservices communication.
Step 5: Setting Up Routes
Use the register subcommand of the gateway command to configure root routes for Fruit and Vegetable APIs.
Evaluation and Implementation
Now that we have our microservices architecture set up, it’s time to test and roll out our apps. Make a run.bat file to start all services, making sure they run without a hitch. After your microservices are deployed, thoroughly test them to ensure that they are functioning and performing as intended.
In summary
With the help of MicrostarterCLI, Micronaut development provides a strong framework for creating scalable and resilient microservices architectures. You may expedite the time-to-market for your applications and simplify the development process by adhering to the instructions provided in this guide. Discover all that Micronaut has to offer and set out on a path to contemporary, cloud-native development.